Building America's Future is a select group of U.S. political leaders chosen to consult with Obama and his administration on key issues regarding investment primarily in infrastructure in our nation. Issues include forming public-private partnerships to build roads, bridges, air traffic control systems, waterways, electricity grids and high-speed rail systems for the U.S.
Building America's Future corp. is currently: Gov. Ed Rendell, D-Pennsylvania; Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, R-California; Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Independent-NYC.
(September 8, 2010) SACRAMENTO, CALIF. - Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger issued the following statement today applauding the California Energy Commission’s vote to approve the construction of the 250 megawatt Abengoa solar thermal power plant:
“I applaud the California Energy Commission’s decision to approve the construction of the Abengoa Mojave Solar Project. California needs to do all it can to create more jobs. Solar technology and clean energy are an integral part of California’s economic future and I am proud that our state is leading the way in attracting employers like Abengoa. Protecting the environment and improving the economy go hand in hand, and I hope even more businesses will continue to build solar plants in California.”
In related news...
Energy Commission Approves $10.5 million in Loans for Solar Cell Manufacturers California Companies Will Add More Than 430 Jobs
SACRAMENTO - The California Energy Commission today approved three loans totaling more than $10.5 million for California-based manufacturers of solar products. The low interest loans are part of the state's Clean Energy Business Financing Program (CEBFP) that is providing approximately $30 million in federal stimulus money to eligible businesses that create or retain clean energy manufacturing jobs in California."California is investing funds from the federal America Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) to rebuild our shrinking manufacturing sector, helping it retool for a new, more robust,and competitive green economy that can put Californians back to work," said Karen Douglas, Energy Commission Chairman. "In this continuing economic downturn, the Clean Energy Business Financing Program provides money to local green companies unable to access capital from lenders and banks."
Details of the CEBFP program are available on the California Energy Commission website at
It' a Green[er] World
September 16-17 Aviation an Environment Summit Geneva, Switzerland
September 19-25 IWA World Water Congress And Exhibition, Montreal
Gaining Ground Summit Oct. 4 - 7, Vancouver
The conference focuses on urban sustainability accomplishments and challenges, and convenes a wide network of urban sustainability practitioners who are playing key roles in numerous fields of professional and community practice. For Vancouver, for any city, to fulfill its green city mission, the power's in the network.
□ Tuesday, Oct 5th "Policy Meets Doing." How fast and how far can political leadership and new policy direction move? How does a city lay out an integrated program for green economy, green systems and green communities? How does a city build durable partnerships with industry and other constituents to advance the green agenda and economy?□ Wednesday, Oct. 6th "Real Value Thinking About Urban Systems" A One-Day Business Summit For Leaders and Decision-Makers in: Cleantech, Alternative Energy, Municipal Infrastructure and Urban Systems Planning, the Industrial Sector, Valuation and True Value/True Cost Analysis, and Related Capital Markets. Themes: Improving 'Value Literacy;' Embedding Sustainability in Capital and Management Planning; and Financing Sustainability. □ Thursday, Oct. 7th "Healing Cities" Advancing understanding of the intersection of urban design, human health and community well-being. Strategies to address urban planning processes and design to foster community health, connectivity and the creation of whole communities. Content to address professionals in urban planning and design, health management, related health fields, media and social media, social narrative, and community development.
Event will take place on Thursday, September 30, 2010, from 7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. at Valcucine's showroom in Beverly Hills. The distinctive presentation reinforces SBCLA's commitment to showcasing environmentally-conscious businesses, and spotlighting cutting-edge sustainability trends and best practices across a broad range of industry sectors.Moderated by Plug In America's ( VP, Paul Scott, who is also President of the Electric Vehicle Association of Southern California, "Electric Vehicle Roundtable and Drive-a-thon" presents: ** Paul Wilbur, President and CEO, Aptera (
** K. Forest Beanum, VP of Public Affairs & Communications, CODA Automotive (
** Richard Steinberg, Manager, Electric Vehicle Operations and Strategy, BMW of North America, LLC (
** Eric Shieh, Account Executive, Coulomb Technologies (
** Mike Sullivan, Owner and President, LAcarGUY ( This distinguished group of professionals--representing the cycle of invention to delivery and consumer use--will address the value proposition of these businesses and California's leading role in the sector's growth. "We will explain why this technology will improve our environment, strengthen our economy and increase our national security," states Paul Scott, VP, Plug In America. "With the new era of electric vehicles mere months away, this is information vital to anyone who cares about these issues," Scott added. For More INFO: Sustainable Business Council of L.A.
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